Legacy Planning
Legacy Services and Consulting
What is a legacy?
A legacy is the story you leave behind. It is your family history and the items that help tell that story that are passed on so future family members and others can know and learn and appreciate it. It is the most important story we can tell.
How do you pass on and preserve a legacy?
There are more new and exciting ways to do this than ever, both analog and digital archival products and services. But sorting through them all can be confusing and time consuming. I can help you navigate these options and explain how they work and what might be best for you.
How do you tell a life story and a family history?
Like any other story, you can tell it in a number of ways. Usually a combination of written text with pictures, video, and audio can be a wonderful way to portray a family history. But often including things like letters and important documents, as well as artwork and other family treasures can make the telling of it more complete. Let me help you create a plan and a roadmap to go forward with.
Tell me about your situation and how I can help
What do I already have? What do I need?
This can be an overwhelming project. Where do you start? What is too little, what is too much? Identifying both your digital and analog assets is a critical first step, this will start to give you a better overall picture of what you have and how your history can be told. The best way to preserve and pass on older prints, slides, film, video, documents, letters, and artwork is to digitize them, and I can help provide the services to do this.
Go to my Digitizing Your Analog Life page for more information.
Do you want to do it yourself, or get help
(or maybe a little of both)?
Creating a Legacy project is a process not an event. Our best intentions may tell us we can do it all ourselves, but it becomes apparent that at some point we will need help, there is just too much to learn and do, especially involving software products and apps. I’ve been teaching people how to use a number of popular software programs for years; I specialize in explaining complicated technology in simple to understand ways.
Go to my Training and Help page for more information.
My Legacy Project
Here are some recent posts from My Legacy Project where I have been documenting my step-by-step process of organizing and creating a legacy collection of my family’s history. Follow along with me and let’s see what we create.